Each class takes place for one-hour, once per week.
Our school year consists of 35 classes running from September to June, concluding with a performance in our Annual Recital in June! When you register, you are enrolling for the entire school year. Our school year calendar accounts for holidays, snow days, and more.
Tuition is calculated based on the 35-week year divided into 10 monthly installments.
First Class: $650.00 per year OR 10 monthly installments of $65.00
Second Class: $500.00 per year OR 10 monthly installments of $50.00
Third Class: $400.00 per year OR 10 monthly installments of $40.00
All Additional Classes: $300.00 per year OR 10 monthly installments of $30.00
We offer a family discount for multiple siblings enrolled in classes. This discount follows the same structure as the multiple class breakdown above.
Some examples…
If two siblings are each enrolled in one weekly class, monthly tuition would be $115 ($65 + $50).
If two siblings are each enrolled in two weekly classes, the monthly tuition owed would be $185 ($65 + $50 + $40 + $30).
If three siblings are each enrolled in three weekly classes, the monthly tuition owed would be $335 ($65 + $50 + $40 + $30 + $30 + $30 + $30 + $30 + $30).
We also offer weekly private and semi-private lessons. Please inquire for more information and pricing. There are no discounts these lessons; our multi-class/sibling discount only applies for one-hour classes.